remembering our folkways

Check out The Seed Bank to see the little free library of resources Anikó put together.
Drawing on her love of group facilitation and a Masters in Teaching Anikó leads relaxed, in depth, and hands-on workshops about folk medicine and herbal care. She's taught at plant shops and conferences and for organizations like Burt’s Bees and the Franklin Park Conservatory.
She's been teaching fewer in-person workshops lately. Right now she offers the same kind of embodied learning through a well-loved Patreon. Every month she posts new videos and essays and mails out project materials. There’s a library to sort through with hours and hours of her past work.
Anikó teaches often in the newsletter, on instagram, and on the blog (links above and below!) The Seed Bank is her latest project with the aim of widely sharing accessible herbal information.
educational content on herbal folkways, medicine making, and plants
monthly videos, essays, projects, and snail mail